Viva Viviana Varese

Viviana Varese

Nestled amidst the bustling city of Milan, there lies an oasis of peace and tranquillity. Viviana Varese has successfully captured the cosmopolitan vibe of the Lombardy metropolis and created a rich and vibrant cuisine that blends different styles seamlessly. Despite its fashionable location overlooking Piazza XXV Aprile, when guests cross its threshold, VIVA provides an unexpected escape from the outside world, like a feeling of suspense. The restaurant's design, personally chosen by the chef and Varese's innovative cooking, evoke a sense of creative energy that rejuvenates and stimulates. Her cuisine is global in nature, unbounded by local traditions and open to the world.


Eataly Smeraldo (2° piano) – P.zza XXV Aprile, 10 – 20121 Milano (MI)


+39 02 4949 7340 / +39 340 0812 364

Closing days

Sunday evening


January 1. Easter. The month of August. Christmas

Credit cards
