
Ciccio Sultano

Ciccio Sultano's interpretation of Sicily is one that reflects the land's harsh and melancholic beauty, which can at times be overwhelming, and is infused with millenary culture. Sicily's complex history has led to an unprecedented diversity in culture and environment, making it difficult to explain. At Duomo, everything embodies Sicily, from the baroque streets of Ragusa Ibla and the intimate and private interiors to the fusion of noble traditions and street flavours in the kitchen. Ciccio Sultano's vision is far from blindly parochial, it is instead a taste of freedom that is unrestrained and creative.


Via Capitano Bocchieri, 31 – 97100 Ragusa Ibla (RG)


+39 0932 651265

Closing days

Sunday. Monday


December 24 and 25. January 7 to March 14

Credit cards

Visa, Mastercard, Amex